Scout/Cub Scout 115 Kowloon Group of Mansfield College
Photos provided by Miss Cheng
格致書院的 Boy Scout and Cub Scout 一同隸屬於九龍童軍之115旅, 這是香港童軍總會頒發的115旅旗。Scout and Cub Scout of Mansfield College were under the 115th Kowloon Group of Scout Association of HK. This is the Pennant authorized by Scout Association of HK.
以上徽章需要縫於制服上 The above Patches must be sewed on the scout uniform
這徽章最珍貴,適逢當時是香港童軍創立 60 週年。This is a precious patch for the 60th anniversary of Scout Association of HK.
童子軍入伍儀式,約1970年左右,當時正在學校天台舉行。鄭老師是我校童子軍隊長,旁邊助手是鄧植森(1970年校友)。Enlistment ceremony of Cub Scout was held on roof of Mansfield College about 1970, Miss Cheng (the cub scout leader) and her assistant Mr. Billy Tang (1970 Schoolmate).
我校童軍115旅成員包括劉汝誠及鄧植森 115th Kowloon Group of Scout of Mansfield College
當天旅行後回到學校解散前,於校門留影。Photo taken at the main door of alma mater after 1-day picnic of boy & girl scouts.
Miss Chui, Cub Scout Leader of Mansfield College
李家山先生 as English, Maths & Scout Teacher between 1960s-1971 (現為香港童軍總會名譽總監) Photo by 校友 Eric Chau & taken in 2010
格致書院童子軍115旅 (Photo by: 楊永年 in 1974) 右3: 楊永年 Daniel,右2: Danny Cheung (其他人有 Stanley Cheung, 何文亮 Herman, Stanley Cheung, Boby Choy, 細 D, 檸檬等) 如你認識以上人士,請通過版主聯絡我們
格致書院童子軍115旅 Cub Scout of 115 如你認識以上人士,請通過版主聯絡我 Photo by: 楊永年 & Taken in 1974