通告 (Notice)
The most expected photos have been uploaded to the school website, those who could not attend the banquet can also feel the joyful time.
28 November 2024
✨2024 格致書院60週年晚宴✨
✨Banquet for the 60th Anniversary of Mansfield College✨
地點:尖沙咀潮囍薈 (Grand Ballroom)
地址:12/F., The One, 100 Nathan Rd. TST
日期:2024年11月 15 日 (Friday)
Reception Time: 5 時恭候
Starting Time : 7 時儀式開始
Dinner Time : 8 時晚宴開始
HK$450 for each person (歡迎攜眷出席)
21 August 2024
As the Annual Banquet of Mansfield College Alumni Association 2023 was very successful and 2024 will be the 60th Anniversary of Mansfield College, one of our teaching directors Mr. Joe Wong will take this seriously. For the sake of planning itinerary and making preparation for overseas and local alumni to join the Banquet of 60th Anniversary, we have decided to conduct a banquet on one of the two days (15 or 16 of November 2024 Fri or Sat). Wong Sir takes this opportunity to invite Teaching Staffs and Schoolmates of Mansfield College all over the world to join this great event of 60th Anniversary in 2024.
22 January 2024
在新的一年祝各校友萬事勝意、頭頭是道。我們非常感激校友Johnny Lau日前提供當年與梅艷芳的合照,讓大家懷念梅艷芳鮮為人知的後台照片。We wish all of you have a brilliant year and good luck all around you. We thank you our schoolmate Johnny Lau who has provided us his secret collection of photos with Celebrity Anita Mui for the memory of her together.
2 January 2024
The most expected photos were uploaded to the school website, those who could not attend the banquet can also feel the joyful time.
21 November 2023
The Banquet of Mansfield College 2023 held on 19 Nov 2023 is in full swing and we have prepared a limited version of school badge as a souvenir for those who will join the banquet (first enroll first got while stocks last). Don't hesitate to enroll for the last chance.
Mansfield College Alumni Association
2 November 2023

格致書院校友會 現邀請各校友出席校友會2023年週年晚宴
地點: 潮囍薈 (尖沙咀彌敦道100號The One, 12樓)
日期: 2023年11月19日晚 (星期日)
恭候時間: 5:00 pm
入席時間: 7:00 pm
歡迎 各校友踴躍參加 (老師亦會應邀出席)
格致書院校友會 啟
Dear All Alumni,
Invitation to 2023 Annual Dinner of Mansfield College Alumni Association
Venue:Grand Ballroom on 12/F of The One, 100 Nathan Road, TST.
Date: 19th November 2023 (Sunday)
Reception Time: 5:00 pm
Dinner Time: 7:00 pm
HK$450 for each person
Enrollment: https://hkcyberlord.wixsite.com/mansfield/enrollment
Mansfield College Alumni Association
17 August 2023
本會現計劃於2023年11月16(四)或18日(六)晚舉辦多年疫後的聯歡晚宴,屆時亦會邀請老師出席。本會預先提早通知各校友日期,以便安排行程或假期,希望各校友珍惜機會相聚,到時在會場內不排除認識更多校友互相交換信息,如有疑問請聯絡Danny at hkcyberlord@yahoo.com
We are going to conduct an annual banquet with teachers and schoolmates on 16 or 18 November 2023, this will be more schoolmates joining this party after Covid, hope all of you will attend. If you have any query, please contact Danny at hkcyberlord@yahoo.com.
9 May 2023
我校全體學生慷慨捐款響應救童助學運動,圖為學生代表楊運強及陳婉媚與(中)教職員黃祖祐主任合照。All our schoolmates together donated HK$2,600 to response the campaign aiding the students in 1968. Photo: Student Representatives and Teaching Staff Wong Cho Yau
14 March 2023
除課外活動成績彪炳卓越以外,學術成就更無庸置疑。以下報章刊登格致書院於1967年第二屆參與香港中學會考的合格人數達160人,合格率達74%。在九龍區排第7位,早期成績名列前茅。Besides the splendid result in extracurricular activities, there is no doubt in academic achievement. The following is the result of Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) posted in the newspaper, 160 students of Mansfield College passed the examination in the year of 1967 (our 2nd year result in HKCEE), 74% passing rate, ranked no. 7 among middle schools in Kowloon Area, our ranking is not bad in the early year.
9 March 2023
我校於1967年9月開放劍擊場地3個月後,格致書院旋即於12月在本港黑劍會主辦的1967年度男女學生個人鈍劍(花劍)比賽中,包辦女子組冠亞季軍。冠軍:吳小明;亞軍:周美英;季軍: 張燕露。
Mansfield College Fencing Team won ALL Prizes in the Women's Individual Foil Competition held by Black Sword Club in Dec 1967, just 3 months after opening Fencing Practice Field in our school.
19 January 2023
繼之前安排學生參觀公司外,大家都知我校很著重課外活動,更撥出場地為活動鋪路。而劍擊是其中一項力推的活動。我校格致書院劍擊場地隆重揭幕: 由1967年9月15日開始逢星期四晚上6-8點免費開放給劍擊會員使用場地。請到以下網頁看新聞內容。
After arrangement of visiting companies for students, as you know, alma mater also took extra-curricular activities as major project and even made room for the activities, especially Fencing. Ceremony of New Fencing Practice Field in Mansfield College which would be freely open for fencing members every Thursday 6-8pm since 15 Sept 1967. Please go to the following webpage for details (Chinese Only).
6 January 2023
我們校友會網站最近加入童軍115網頁,不管你之前是否我校童軍,可以瀏覽了解一下。We've just added webpage of Scout 115 Kowloon Group in our school website, go to browse it whether you were the member of that group.
14 December 2022
各校友,之前已提及我們上星期11月18日在香港舉行小型晚宴(因疫情關係,不能大搞),希望來年會舉辦更大型活動。然而大家可到以下校友會網站感受當晚氣氛。今次非常榮幸邀請到久未露面的陳達波Sir (Maths), 大家一定要瀏覽。
Hi Alumni, as I mentioned that we would hold a small banquet last Friday (18 Nov 2022) in Hong Kong. Because of the epidemics, we can't stage a large banquet, hope you would understand. We will do it again in large scale next year if the epidemics is not serious. You may browse our school website as follows now, This time we have invited Chan Tat Po Sir (Maths) whom we have not contacted him for a long time. Enjoy it.
21 November 2022
我們校友會將於今晚2022年11月18日(星期五)於香港島酒家舉行小型跨屆別師生晚宴(包括老師74、75、77及81年的校友)。今次沒有往年舉辦大型師生晚宴主要考慮到疫情及有關措施的限制、基於疫情措施放寬才決定恢復停辦多年的聚會活動,所以沒有在網上大肆宣佈有關活動,而且我們還沒有建立一個可直接和快速的聯繫方法(如電話和Email),故希望在此呼籲各校友請Email你的常用聯絡電話及Email address 包括 閣下畢業年份到 hkcyberlord@yahoo.com 以便整理一個快捷及直接的聯繫網絡以便通知大家日後舉辦的活動。所有個人資料絕對保密。敬請大家原諒及理解。
We are going to hold a small banquet with teachers and alumni of 74, 75, 77 and 81 at Hong Kong Island on 18 November 2022. This time we do not hold a large banquet like we did it in 2016 because of the epidemic and the epidemic prevention measures. Therefore, we have not made the announcement for inviting our alumni in Facebook. Furthermore, we do not have a good and direct-response contact network right now. So, we hope you would send us your telephone no. and email address (including your graduation year) to hkcyberlord@yahoo.com for us to develop a direct contact network for future events. All your contact information will be kept in confidential. Thank you for you understanding and co-operation.
18 November 2022
Mansfield College had arranged students visited famous companies or newspaper offices since 1967 so that students could know the the work place environment. In Aug 1967, our alumni visited W. Haking Industries Limited, manufacturer of optical products sold all over the world.
7 November 2022
Our college joined inter-school health quiz competition in 1966 and defeated Aberdeen Technical School for final competition.
21 October 2022
我們校友Albert Au 區瑞強將於2022年10月28-30日於伊利沙伯體育館舉行演唱會We Meet Again Concert,請各校友大力支持。屆時他會演唱陳百強的粵語名曲"盼三年"的完整版本,大家現可到學校網站先睹為快他的精彩演出。
Our alumni Albert Au will stage "We Meet Again Concert" at Queen Elizabeth Stadium during 28-30 Oct., 2022, Act now for buying his concert tickets. Right now, you can go to our school website to watch his performance on of the Cantonese Song "Looking forwards to 3 years" broadcast on 1 Oct 2022. The full version of this song will be performed at his concert.
5 October 2022
The recent news about member of police watchdog Miss Helen Yu slams Miss HK show as ‘too revealing’. What I want to let you know that Helen Yu as Officer of Yaumati District Office of Home Affairs Dept. in 1973 was invited by our Interact Club of Mansfield College as VIP at Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony to raise fund for running community services by charity film at Ocean Theatre at TST in 1973.
Photo: Ribbon-cutting Ceremony by Lui Hong Hau, Helen Yu Lai Ching Ping and the Principal Cheng Ya Tsing.
23 September 2022
美國三藩市州立大學假格致書院1971年6月舉辦暑期班 初次選香港為授課地點 修讀學分更獲美國大學承認 此舉促使更多校友在海外繼續升讀大學。State University of San Francisco conducted summer course at our college in June 1971, this was their first overseas selection, the credits would be recognized by the universities of United States. This made most our schoolmates to further their studies in overseas.
13 September 2022
我們學校網站 www.mansfield-college.com 除了資訊最強、資料最齊、最多校友瀏覽之外,更重要是Yahoo及Google等尋找器與學校網站有聯繫。所有資料及留言都會被迅速尋找並列出於最前部分,是最快及最有效尋找舊同學的方法,當然資料要準確及越多越好包括相片。例如,只要你在Google Search 輸入 廖玉兒 格致,網頁立即列出我校有關網站及網頁資訊,在其他Facebook或相關App都難以找到。所以想有效聯絡或尋找同學,可利用我校網站提供你們的資料及相片或Email to: hkcyberlord@yahoo.com 發揮最有效功能,與舊同學聯繫。另外,所有資料及留言都會存在網頁內,日後舊同學亦會容易找到你的資料或留言,他們亦可在Google尋找到你。
Something You Must Know
Our school website www.mansfield-college.com provides not only strongest related information but most important that we has linked to Google Search and Yahoo Search Engine, so if you want to search your old classmate, you can provide your information (correct info) and photo to the website or email hkcyberlord@yahoo.com, all information will be searched out on the top list on the internet immediately. For Example, you only type ''Becky Liu Mansfield'', the result will be list out on the top list. And the information you left on the webpage will be searched out by your classmates in the future.
1 September 2022
格致書院在1964年,即主樓落成的同年9月不但開辦日間課程還包括夜校課程。Mansfield College not only opened day time courses but also opened evening courses in September 1964, the same year after the completion of main building in 1964.
20 August 2022
其實學校早在1964年落成之前幾個月已經登報招生,為9月開學作好準備。Our alma mater had made advertisement for school enrollment few months ago on newspaper before the completion of the main building in 1964.
15 August 2022
1964年格致書院主樓校舍落成,並開放參觀。建築費首期及設備只需三百多萬,比現在一個單位還要便宜。Our School Main Building completed in 1964 and opened for public visit. The first instalment and facilities fees were about HK$ 3 million, cheaper than the residential flat right now.
2 August 2022
The interview of our Alumni Jenny Keung broadcast in Music Journey on 3 April 2022 (Sunday) at 21:30, watch now at
4 April 2022
Our Alumni Website has been updated to include Yearbook of 1966 and improved quality of 1971 Annual Report so that we can read it clearly. What's more, we have added many photos of teachers.
30 June 2021
As many alumni and teachers are living in North America and Canada especially in Vancouver and Toronto and sub-areas, we hope to create a communication network so that we can meet together in North America after the Pandemic. Please send you contact phone no. and e-mail address to webmaster first, we will contact you later. Please forward this message to your classmates or teachers for their notice.
Paul Yim 嚴同學 Richmond Hill Ontario
29 December 2020
格致校友會網站最近又一次幫助1974年畢業屆別5A班的同學成功尋找失聯40多年的同學Betty Ho,證明學校網站可發揮尋找舊同學作用。只要同學們提供足夠資料及相片就好大機會尋找到,因爲學校網站内的資料會被Google Search Engine迅速尋找得到。
Our College website once again has helped schoolmate of 1974 class 5A to find out contact with classmate Betty Ho recently, they have lost contact over 40 years, this has proved that our college website can be used to find out long lost classmates as long as you provide enough information and photos because all contents of our website will be easily and quickly searched out in the Google Search Engine.
22 October 2020
Have you remembered the Ruby Restaurant at Champagne Court where many of us used to go for breakfast while we were studying in our college? It's sad to tell you that one more of our childhood memory will be shattered along with the demolishment of the Champagne Court in the near future. Please press the link above to get further information.
11 September 2020