格致書院 (1964 - 1986) 位於香港九龍尖沙咀諾士佛台4-5號,現變爲商業大廈及餐廳酒吧。學校主樓起初為中英文中學,鄰近小學部在1967年落成後,便全面提供小一至小六班級,中學部包括中六及商科班。學校是60年代私立學校全盛時期的其中一所學校,提供小學及中學上下午校課程,學校報讀人數達3500人。校監為鄭亞清,學校的課外活動如戲劇組、劍擊組及乒乓球組等在公開賽屢獲殊榮。男生夏季校服以白色恤衫和海水藍長褲爲主,女生夏季校服以白色圓領恤衫配藍領帶和半截裙,書包是四方深藍綠色的手挽袋,相當於當時極爲時尚的泛美航空公司 (PAN AM)的手提行李袋。及後被教署列為停止向私校買位學校之一,因而學校收生不足而被迫結業。校監鄭亞清表示,學校財政並無出現問題,只是前景不樂觀,故提早停辦。
History of Mansfield College
Mansfield College (1964-1986) located at No.4-5 Knutsford Terrace, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong has already been turned into commercial building and bars since its close-down. The school first started as an Anglo-Chinese secondary school in the main building. On completion of the annex in 1967, the primary classes were added to have a complete primary section with Primary 1 to Primary 6, the secondary section included Form 6 and the Commercial class. Our school was one of the private schools in 60's providing traditional education for both morning and afternoon classes of primary school and middle school. The total enrolment was almost 3500. The chancellor was Mr. Cheng Ya Tsing. The extra curricular activities such as Drama Club, Fencing Club, Table Tennis Club & etc. always won prizes in the open competition. The summer uniforms were mainly white shirt with sea-blue trouser for boys and blouse with round collar and sea-blue skirt for girls. The square school bag in dark blue like BOAC flight bag of PAN AM airlines was trendy at that time. It was closed down in 1986 for insufficient students as a result of the decision from the Education Bureau that our college was listed as one of the private schools for not being subsidized. The Chancellor Cheng Ya Tsing expressed that the school had no financial problem, earlier stopping operation of the school was caused by the pessimism for the school.
校長鄭亞清於1964年在報章發表辦學宗旨 The Principal Cheng Ya Tsing expressed his aim of running school on newspaper in 1964

The Main Building of Mansfield College 格致書院主樓

Enrollment Advertisement 招生廣告
Give us a call:
The completion and outlook of Main Building of Mansfield College in 1964

Enrollment Advertisement of Evening Course in Mansfield College

美國三藩市州立大學假格致書院1971年6月舉辦暑期班 初次選香港為授課地點 修讀學分獲得美國大學承認
San Francisco State University opened summer course at Mansfield College in June 1971, it selected Hong Kong as overseas teaching area first time. Academic credits would be recognized by the U.S. Universities.

格致書院英文商科夜校招生 Enrollment Advertisement of Mansfield College Evening Commercial Course