尋找同學 Looking for Classmates
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---> One of the Mansfield College alumni sent me the website of Mansfield College and the yearly alumni gathering pictures. I read from the website that there were many cases of long lost old classmates got connected again via the alumni network.
本人 74-75 F.6 的 余燕玲 Connie 很想尋找1973年F.5畢業的同學 陳賢忠 Howard,他於1974年移民到美國加州。Attached is an old picture of two of us taken in San Diego, California in 1976.
Message Time: 2024-12-14 13:30
---> 我是王建中 (Wong Kin Chung),1973-1974年就讀1年F.6。認識同學有許嘉華、Ophialia Leung、馬惠就、王有金和上水南盛金舖少東,但忘記他的名字,如有消息或認識我,歡迎聯繫。
Message Time: 2024-08-28 12:39
---> 我是Martha Cheung,尋找黃德誠 Ivan Wong,他的音樂強項是Bassoon 巴松管,為樂隊主力。在格致唸中四的年份大約是1978年。我代表一群音樂界師兄弟姊妹尋找Ivan Wong不果,希望格致校友幫忙一下。如有黃德誠先生消息,請留言。
Message Time: 2023-12-07 04:43
---> 我是徐英揚,現希望尋找81年上午班同學,應該是文科班的,周慶喜 蔡繼光 崔德華。
Message Time: 2023-11-28 12:30
---> 我是利衛寧 (Wain) studied in Mansfield from F.4 to F.6 between 1967-1969. F.5 graduated in 1968. Please contact me if anyone knows me.
Message Time: 2023-11-13 12:46
---> I, Andrew Ngai 倪定國, graduated F.5A in 1969. I have contact with Steve L. Tong (唐雷) F.5B 1969, we should be at the same class in Form 4. l would like to allocate classmates in Form 4 named William Wong (黄國樑),何國輝,Amy 崔,classmates in Form 5 in 1969 named 吳房添 (Tim Ng) and 陳家齊。1969年Form 5A science的吳房添(住在美國),呂則強 (住在香港),有校友跟他們有聯繫嗎? 請教1970年Form 5 Science 校友是否跟同學黃國樑 (William Wong) 有聯絡嗎? William Wong 應該移民到Toronto。另外,有校友跟1968年Form 4 Science的Amy崔聯絡嗎? Amy 應現住香港。Thank you Danny. Alumni is fortunate to have you managing Mansfield’s alumni website.
Message Time: 2023-06-26 17:28
---> My name is Cheung Siu Wai 張兆偉, I studied Primary 6 since 1969 pm session and graduated in 1974 (Form 5 p.m.) 下午班 and attended HKCEE in the same year. I'm looking for 梁志偉、邱志榮和鄭福貴。
Message Time: 2023-03-30 13:11

---> We are looking for the above schoolmate, please inform us ASAP. 如你認識以上校友(80-82年畢業),請儘快通知本會。
Message Time: 2023-03-22 21:34
---> I am Filipino guy and was studying P.1 to P.6 during 1978-1982. I am a handicap but active in playing football. I remember my English teacher is Miss Wong. I try to look for my classmates, Josephine Lo Pui Shan, Dorothy Fong Yuk Ling and Elizabeth Leung Yi Lei. My foreign classmates during the year were Johnny Reyes, Catherine Rono and Jay Rono. Another one is Cheng Yim Lai 鄭艷麗.
From Clifford Ramos
Message Time: 2023-02-02 10:15
---> Hi Webmaster, Thanks for your effort to build such a good site to let all Mansfield Alumni can reconnect. I am glad to learn the message from Clifford Ramos in looking for classmate abroad and I studied from P.4 to P.6 between 1980 to 1983. I believe he is my primary school classmate. How can we contact each other? Thanks for your help.
From Andy Lim (P.6 of 1983)
Message Time: 2023-06-02 23:59
Webmaster: Andy Lim, I have sent you the contact of Clifford, glad that you can reconnect each other after 40 years. Cliff 只是數月前才刊載資料就能成功尋找40多年失聯的小學校友。希望各校友留言和留相有助成功尋找失聯的同學。
---> 1970-1971 Form 6 p.m. for 1 year only then further studies in USA. Now live in California. Want to see if there are any classmates out there? Eg: George Poon 潘昭宏, Alan Fong 方日華, Henry Tse, 黃偉, 葉少萍 Alice , 毛藍華, Tony, Stella, Simon, Helena Leung ....... Miss Wong was our class teacher. We would like with your help to re-connect some other classmates whether in HK or overseas. 潘, 方, 黃are living in California.
From David Wong Tso Wai 黃祖偉
Message Time: 2023-01-26 09:38
---> 我是潘大宗朋友,很想找他。 From Grace Chan
Message Time: 2023-01-02 20:21
---> 本人吳彩好 Samantha NG 1972年畢業,想尋找Vincent Tsui 徐銘強及其他同學 Anne, Marina, Sahara and 藍逸敏,如有任何消息,請跟版主聯絡。
Message Time: 2022-07-14 21:31
---> 我是孔祥義 Peter Hung,曾讀格致書院1968至1972,我想尋找同班同學王傑倫(Jerry Wong). M023梁藴鶯同學,妳有他的聯絡嗎?謝謝!
Message Time: 2022-05-22 11:51
Peter Hung 祥義,是我啊Jerry Wong。發電郵給我吧!
Message Time: 2023-03-11 15:27
版主: 恭喜你們通過本會能成功聯絡上。
---> 本人陳美月(Chan Mei Yuet Moon),就讀格致小學及中學,1976-1980 (F.1-F.4) F.4轉校,後來移民往美國。現希望繼續尋找1975年小學同學徐淑芳、1976年F.1A的廖玉兒Becky Liu、1978年F.3的陳國榮同學和學兄Johnny Lau。
From 陳美月
Message Time: 2022-05-03 17:41
---> 本人想尋找梁薀鈿(大概是1972年校友),她曾經是我同班同學及好友梁薀玲的妹妹。如認識梁薀鈿,請聯絡本人。
From 李潔雲 Anita 1970
Message Time: 2022-04-04 20:07
---> Moved to United States (San Francisco) in 1969. Would like to re-connect with LOUISA LEE (We last met at San Francisco Airport in 1973), and all other classmates.
From Stanley Sik Shan Wong (Ah Shan)
Message Time: 2022-03-19 18:01
---> 本人葉觀和 (Patrick) 1968年畢業,現居於渥太華,希望找到昔日的校友。
Message Time: 2022-03-12 01:05
---> 尋找同學兼好友楊秀芬 (Fun Fun Fun) Eva Yeung, 1966-67年在格致書院就讀F.4中四下午班。失去聯絡,如有消息請聯絡我。
From Tony Law 羅志生 (1964-1968)
Message Time: 2022-02-19 01:56
---> 七十年代的學友有誰認識就讀下午班的鍾雨亭 (Paul Chung) 呢?鍾先生好像1971年在格致書院就讀中四下午班。而我就讀下午中三班、漸漸就失去聯絡。如他F.5畢業就應該在1972或1973年。
From Jeannie Chan
Message Time: 2022-01-16 06:23
My name is Paul Chung (鍾雨亭), I graduated in 1971 in Commercial Class. Noted that Jeannie Chan is looking for me. Anyone who knows me can email me for further contact. Can webmaster arrange Jeannie to contact me direct by email. Thanks!
Message Time: 2023-06-28 05:34
Webmaster: 鍾校友, 很高興你通過我們網站成功找到想聯絡你的舊校友,我們會聯絡Jeannie。Paul Chung, I'm glad to know you successfully found the long lost schoolmates through our website, I will contact Jeannie about you.
---> 1976年讀F1C班想睇下有冇幾會聯絡下班同學只大約記得呢幾個,朱世賓,蔡民傑,蔡偉年,朱子微,方淑琴,郭錦明,郭錦榮,許鴻城,黃斐雄 ………………
From Choy
Message Time: 2022-01-02 09:33
---> 我是1978年F.5A畢業生梁永昌 Eric Leung,想聯絡同年畢業F.5C校友何錦華。我們都是當時乒乓球校隊,已經失聯40年了,很惦念他。
From 梁永昌 Eric Leung
Message Time: 2021-11-21 11:52 thru Facebook
---> My name is Steven Leung (梁家邦) was graduated from Mansfield College of Science class in 1969 (F.1 - F.5). Now I live in Boston Massachusetts. I am looking for anyone in the following photos. They are all my schoolmates. The one in the middle of Photo with mustache is me. One of them named 李立基 ( English name Li lap Kay = Francis Li ) with his photo as follows. The other called 黃松慶, he is in the group party photo as follows.
Message Time: 2021-10-14 10:50

---> 我是Eliza Tsoi,1978年畢業同學。希望聯絡上較低一年級的 Daisy Chan。那些年的她就如Simon Leung 同學(我們同屆別不同班),她留有一頭染金的花拉科西髮型。 她中四離校,移民去了多明尼加共和國。我及後也移民加拿大。她叫我做(大大),我們1986年後失聯了。若聯絡不上,也想給她一個遙遠的祝福。
From Eliza Tsoi 1978
Message Time: 2021-09-16 06:26
---> 我是唐興中 Ken Tong,與許伯鈞,吳心敏,呂大衛,李力行,甄榮達,鮑榮根比較熟,認識Norman Fung。我1966年開始由小六升讀至中五,都是上午A班。1976年離港到美國讀書。現已退休,在佛州奧蘭多生活,希望聯絡到舊同學。
Message Time: 2021-08-21 10:45 thru Facebook
---> 我是龔國榮 Johnson Kung,1975年格致商科班畢業,書友有大小anny,蘇國榮,鐘偉生,Irene, James Lau
From Mansfield Facebook
Message Time: 2021-08-17 10:18
---> I graduated in 1974 of class F.5C and migrated to the U.S. in 1976. Does anyone know a girl, Irene Ho 何子冰, who graduated in 1975 or 1976? She was pretty active in singing and played a guitar when in school. By the Way, I found the following photo of 1975 with my two classmates at Stanley Military Cemetery. Ching Man Keung moved to the UK, then to Australia, I believe. The middle one was the tallest and biggest guy in my class but I don't remember his name. If anyone knows me or them, please contact me.
From Eric Chan 陳漢焜 (1975)
Message Time: 2021-07-18 12:38

我是 Eric Ng 1967 年就讀 Form 1,也是 Robert Ng Cham Kwan 吳湛坤、同学李少蓮、陳國雄。後來在大陸的製衣廠認識Robert Cheung,家中的皮劳工手套 鍾輝鳳(啊鳳)。
Message Time: 2021-07-17 10:34
---> 我是1978年F.5B校友,這裏有否當年的同學呢?
From 羅錦其 Sammy
Message Time: 2021-07-14 17:22
---> 我是1971年F.5A畢業的楊榮雄。陶國良上學期F.2E和我同班,一同住佐敦八文大廈,過從甚密,中五畢業後初期還有往來;後因我機場份工,分早午晚三班制,所以早已斷六親,也沒有再見到他,可有他消息?還想找到1971年同班F.5A畢業的林日明,梁偉明,陶國良和許趣怡。
From 楊榮雄 thru Whatsapp with Lee Tsun
Message Time: 2021-07-07 09:11
---> I left Mansfield in 1968 to Toronto, just finished Form 2. Looking for Fina Li (利芬蘭) and Kitty Ho (何笑雲).
From Margaret Tam 譚毓芸
Message Time: 2021-07-01 01:21
---> 陶志遠同學我係李同歡,我記得曾經同你做過同班同學,因為你個姓比較少有所以我有印象。你仍然在香港嗎?
From 李同歡
Message Time: 2021-06-25 10:50
---> 我是 Raymond Ng,1978年文科畢業,想尋找幾個舊同學的消息,楊麗郡,梁錦強,黃華生。
From Raymond Ng
Message Time: 2021-05-14 00:26
---> 我是羅文德,畢業於1978年格致書院文科班,希望尋找昔日同學包括黃耀華、Cecilia、Alice、李華輝、山姑、Winnie、曾國城等,如有消息請聯絡版主。
From 羅文德 thru Facebook/Messenger
Message Time: 2021-03-17 12:01
---> I am Simon Woo. I went to Mansfield from 1968 - 1971. Graduated in Form 6. Looking for 王文彬 朱兆和 龐伯琪。
From Simon Woo
Message Time: 2020-12-29 09:29
---> 受人所託,代尋找於1968年畢業於九龍尖沙咀諾士佛台格致書院的同學,包括梁禮光,謝盛輝(Tony),詹慈及林鼎等等。如有發現,請回應,謝甚。
From Sunny Leung
Message Time: 2020-11-02 11:40:25 thru Facebook
---> We wish to contact with Yu Wing Key 余永基 & others of Form 5B in 1971. Please let's know where you are (in HK or overseas). Yu Wing Key 余永基 is the activity leader of our class, a funny and imaginative guy with respect to new adventures of exploration and mysticism. I am fond of memory with this guy.
From Chan Chi Keung 陳志強 (Kwan Siu Tong 關少棠)
Message Time: 2020-06-16 13:51
Webmaster: Congratulations to Chan Chi Keung & Kwan Siu Tong that they had found Yu Wing Key (余永基) with the help of webmaster in May 2023.
---> 尋找一位女士,她英文名字是Gidget Leung,中文名字已經忘記了!唯一線索,梁女士有兩位姐姐,其中一位姐姐的丈夫名Peter Au ,中文名字叫區作新,曾經住在紅磡船澳街,梁女士是一位混血兒,俗稱半唐番,現在大概六十餘歲。雖然茫茫人海,希望有格致校友的幫助,能夠有奇跡出現,我們格致校友位位都是有能力的人,我相信你們一定願意幫忙!
Message Time: 2020-05-29 thru Facebook
--->我是余錫成,1975年畢業,在五年格致書院,都是考全级前三名,同學有陳賢强,Peter Chung,丘榮光,Betty Ip。我是讀文科,當時校長是鄭亞清,有一個老許,負責訓導,中文老師是謝采章。如有認識同學,請聯。
From Daniel Yu 余錫成
Message Time: 2020-04-06 23:51 thru Facebook
---> I’m Virginia Leung 梁佩娥,graduated around 1978. I moved to Vancouver in 90’s. I lost my address book, so I have no way to contact my old buddies especially 李嘉齡,宋玉蓮. I hope someone can help me to find them. Thanks
From Virginia Leung 梁佩娥
Message Time: 2020-03-25 15:13
---> My name is D. H. Tsui, I am looking for Mak Lai Yee Shirley (麥麗儀).
Message Time: 2019-12-22 thru Facebook
---> I am Marie Lo, I studied at Mansfield College from 1973-1977, then I left for Australia before Graduation. Does anyone have Lilian Wong's contact? #Lillian Wong (#黃麗蓮) graduated from Mansfield College in 1978.
From Marie Lo
Message Time: 2019-12-22 thru Facebook

---> 我貝慶生於79-80年在格致書院下午校讀中三,希望聯繫以前的同學。
From 同學 貝慶生
Message Time: 2019-11-30 17:30
---> Wilfred Au Wai-Fan (歐維帆), my friend, should be in the graduation class 1967, I am just wondering whether any of the alumni knows his where about. He is related to the head-teacher/headmaster of the time.
From John Chiu
Message Time: 2019-01-09 04:16

--- > The following are my photos, my Chinese name is 彭潤輝 (Form-2 PM school) in 1971, I shall visit Hong Kong on 13 October 2018 for two week.
If you know me, please contact me through webmaster.
From: Yun Fai Pang (彭潤輝)
Message Time: 2018-9-13 03:20

---> 我係梁永楷,1976 Form 5A 班,同班同學有蔡旭生, 許伯銘, 王家衛, 張月仙, 郭家寶, 其餘忘記了。
Message Time: 2017-11-25 18:54
---> My name is Diana Wong 黃德倫。好開心無意中看到這個website。我畢業於1969 and went to England for my nursing. Now I live in Toronto, Canada. Love to locate all my old classmates, especially Lau Wai Ching 劉慧貞 (1970)。
Message Time: 2017-10-10 08:30
---> I am looking for a classmate study at Form 2 in 1984. which is a Taiwanese his name is 徐健,if you have any information, please kindly to contact with me.
From: Mark Chen
Message Time: 2017-09-29 14:56
---> 借此平台,希望能連絡到於68-73年就讀格致書院(梁蘊鶯)同學。
Message Time:2017-07-28 12:27
---> My name is Joe G. Young. I graduated in 1966 Form 5 and completed Form 6 in 1967. Migrated to the U.S.A in 1969. Live in Temple City. Retired & very healthy. Listening to Classical music & reading both Chinese & English literature. Please write to me.
Message Time: 2017-07-28 02:15
---> 我是Melody Wai,我朋友是1979至1980下午D班的曽家強, 好想和他聯係,如有他的消息,請通知校友會回覆,謝謝。
Message Time:2017-07-23 11:55
---> 我是劉秀芳,Anita Lau。有否1971一1975年校友, 請保持聯絡。
Message Time: 2017-04-30 18:09
---> I graduated from F.5 in 1971, anyone remember Peter Lai, Andrew Kwan 關麟翔, Tang Po Ming 鄧保明, Lisa Leung?
Message Time: 2017-03-05 11:29
---> 我的名字叫馮禮平,是尖沙咀格致英文書院1970年的畢業生,我是讀下午班文科的,我現在居於美國,希望有1967至1970年在格致讀書的同學與我聯絡,或者有人知道黄華山,葉偉斌,伍佩麗,伍佩珍,王玉珍,楊清照,馮景良,馮子良,新數鍾光鈿老師,劉慧潔老師等等同學或知道老師近況的,可通過版主跟我聯絡。
Message Time: 2016-06-18 06:35
*** 回應上面及找尋我的恩人學兄馮禮平1970年文科畢業。(我們是吳湛坤和鍾輝鳳)是恩人你給我們義務在您家中替我們補習的。記得你一句說話。橫眉冷對千夫指。真心的希望親身再次詋一句感謝您,我今在香港,請聯絡版主。
Message Time: 2022-09-01 13:23
---> 我是周文卓,想尋找羅兆怡,她在尖沙咀(格致書院)讀中學,大約1976-1980年,曾在她青衣住所,一大班同學為她慶祝生日,曾在中學大家做過正副班長。
Message Time: 2010-04-14 07:25
我是羅兆怡。於1975-1979在格致英文書院就讀F.1至F.4. 感謝版主Danny Ng成立這個網站讓舊同學,校友找回我們的友誼。我要回應在找尋我的同學,他的名字是周文卓。我想尋找舊同學:羅志明,F.2坐我旁的同學李靜絲,F.3坐我旁的同學胡淑然。不知道F.2老師李Sir, F.3中文老師,訓導主任劉Sir還有聯絡嗎?
Message Time: 2023-11-28 10:35
版主:很高興羅兆怡校友,終於在網站見到有校友尋找妳,相信你們很快便接觸得上。這個尋人網站真的幫到很多同學及校友,歡迎大家繼續留言,資料、相片越多成功率就越高。I'm glad that one more re-union case happened again. Leave more information for looking for your lost classmates.
Message Time: 2023-11-28 11:28