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The Old News of Mansfield College on Newspapers
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我校在新校8月落成前 ,首次於1964年5月在報紙刊登招生及招聘老師廣告。
The first print Ad in the newspaper in May 1964 for enrollment of new students & recruitment of teachers before the completion of our school main building in August.
Mansfield College defeated Aberdeen Technical School in the Inter-school Health Quiz competition in 1966
問答題目 (Q&A)

Mansfield College visited W. Haking Industries Limited

Mansfield College visited Universal Electronics Company

格致書院劍擊場地隆重揭幕: 由1967年9月15日開始逢星期四晚上6-8點免費開放劍擊會員使用場地
Ceremony of New Fencing Practice Field in Mansfield College which would be freely open for fencing members every Thursday 6-8pm since 15 Sept 1967

我校1967年9月開放劍擊場地3個月後,格致書院旋即12月在本港黑劍會主辦的1967年度男女學生個人鈍劍(花劍)比賽中,包辦女子組冠、亞、季軍。冠軍:吳小明;亞軍:周美英;季軍: 張燕露。報章亦評述技術進步甚速,吳小明假以時日,必成大器。
Mansfield College Fencing Team won ALL Prizes in the Women's Individual Foil Competition held by Black Sword Club in Dec 1967, just 3 months after opening Fencing Practice Field in our school. Newspaper also commented rapid progress in fencing skills.

Besides the splendid result in extracurricular activities, there is no doubt in academic achievement. The following is the result of Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) posted in the newspaper, 160 students of Mansfield College passed the examination in the year of 1967 (our 2nd year result in HKCEE), 74% passing rate, ranked no. 7 among middle schools in Kowloon Area, our ranking is not bad in the early year.

All our schoolmates together donated HK$2,600 to response the campaign aiding the students in 1968. Photo: Student Representatives and Teaching Staff Wong Cho Yau

中學組冠軍: 格致書院 (綉球舞)
HK Inter-school Dance Competition
Mansfield College won the championship of Secondary Group (Hydrangea Dance) in Aug 1968.

演員: 朱志成、劉淑石、夏良文、陳偉聖和衛端端。
導師: 凌成法,負責人: 黎軒儀
Drama Club of Mansfield College won the Championship of Chinese Drama on the 21st HK Schools Music Festival in Feb 1969.

Another newspaper reported our Drama Club had won the Championship of Chinese Drama on the 21st HK Schools Music Festival in Feb 1969.

Mansfield College Vs Tang Shiu Kin Victoria Government Secondary School in Knockout Round for the Citizen Watch Champion Cup of Mini Football held by HKMFA (The Miniature Football Association of HK China) on evening of 2nd April 1969.

The final 4 teams running for the 1969 Inter-School Fencing Championship held by the Hong Kong Amateur Fencing Association starting from 15 August 1969 were La Salle College, Queens College, Diocesan Boys' College and Mansfield College.
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