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珍品廊乃展示我校有關昔日學校的物品以供校友懷念及欣賞,歡迎各校友提供及分享有關格致書院的物品,請按此 Email 與我們聯係。
This Treasure Gallery displays those things related to our college for our alumni to review. You're welcome to provide us your photos. Please contact us if you have such things.

校徽 School Badge

學校領帶 School Tie

學校書包 School Bag

格致英文書院 1979年 戲劇比賽 (初級組) 最佳男主角
The Best Actor in Drama Competition in 1979 (Junior Form)

格致英文書院 1979年 中文演講比賽 (高級組) 亞軍
The 1st Runner Up of Chinese Speech Contest in 1979 (Senior Form)

學生手冊 (Student Handbook)

The following two photos are provided by She Kwok Ying

The following photos are provided by Susanna Li

畢業證書 (Graduated Certificate)

離校證書 (Leaving Certificate)

優異證書 Certificate of Merit provided by Choi Yok Sang 1976

成績表 (Transcript)

會考准考證 (HKCEE Admission Form)
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