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懷舊相集乃刊登校友昔日的珍貴照片以供校友懷念及欣賞,歡迎各校友提供照片分享,請按此 Email 與我們聯係。
Old Gallery
This is an album to share our photos of joy for alumni, you are welcome to submit your photos through this Email.

70年代前往格致書院的露天長斜路 (Web Photo)
An open-top ramp way to Mansfield College in 70's
An open-top ramp way to Mansfield College in 70's

紅寶石餐廳位於香檳大廈,前面摩羅村(Punjab House)是兩層斜頂排屋原為印裔官員宿舍,其後改建為東英大廈(現為The One)。Ruby Restaurant inside Champagne Court, the 2-story named Punjab House was quarters for Chinese Indian Officers. It has been changed to Tung Ying Building (The One) later.

Many Alumni used to be patrons of Ruby Restaurant at Carnarvon Road
Many Alumni used to be patrons of Ruby Restaurant at Carnarvon Road

4 of the 5 Brothers studied in Mansfield College, the youngest one studied in Wellington College.
4 of the 5 Brothers studied in Mansfield College, the youngest one studied in Wellington College.

格致書院小學5年級 (Primary 5 of Mansfield College)
Provided by 簡志為 Robert (只讀P.5-P.6 ) 後2排右3 (Right 3 of Back 2nd Row).
Peter: 最後排左2 (Left 2 of Top Row) and Sandra in the photo.
Provided by 簡志為 Robert (只讀P.5-P.6 ) 後2排右3 (Right 3 of Back 2nd Row).
Peter: 最後排左2 (Left 2 of Top Row) and Sandra in the photo.

第十屆全港校際精英團體賽頒獎典禮 李燕珊及其左起3隊員獲得乒乓球團體賽冠軍
南華體育會主辦 聯合汽水廠贊助 (1973-1974) Susanna Li with 3 team members counting from her left won the Table Tennis Team Championship at the 10th Awards Ceremony for Jing Ying Team Championships of all HK Schools. Organized by SCAA & Sponsored by General Bottling Company, Ltd.
南華體育會主辦 聯合汽水廠贊助 (1973-1974) Susanna Li with 3 team members counting from her left won the Table Tennis Team Championship at the 10th Awards Ceremony for Jing Ying Team Championships of all HK Schools. Organized by SCAA & Sponsored by General Bottling Company, Ltd.

我校戲劇組校友在電影: IQ爆棚的合照 (1980)
Photo of our Drama Club's schoolmates in the Movie: IQ Bau Pang
Photo of our Drama Club's schoolmates in the Movie: IQ Bau Pang

電影: IQ爆棚鳴謝本校及戲劇組校友
The movie: IQ Bau Pang thanked our school and schoolmates of Drama Club
The movie: IQ Bau Pang thanked our school and schoolmates of Drama Club

School Picnic (學校旅行) with Leung Sir

廖偉倫 譚淑惠 李麗嫦 余美寶 羅志明
At the Main Gate of School (學校大閘)
At the Main Gate of School (學校大閘)

Main Door of School (學校大門)

On the Roof of School (學校天台)
兩姊妹教英文科 林錦微 林錦芳 Two sisters Miss Lam Kam May & Miss Lam Kam Fong as English Language Teachers in 1981
兩姊妹教英文科 林錦微 林錦芳 Two sisters Miss Lam Kam May & Miss Lam Kam Fong as English Language Teachers in 1981

Boys' Summer Uniform at the School Hall (男學生夏季校服攝於學校大堂)
Hiroshi Sir
Hiroshi Sir

Girls' Summer Uniform at School Hall (女學生夏季校服攝於學校大堂)

Winter Uniform (冬季校服)

Winter Uniform (冬季校服)

頒獎典禮日在香港大會堂拍攝 (At the HK City Hall on the Prize-Giving Day)

BBQ on the Roof of classmate's house (同學的天台燒烤)

1972年Form 3A (Science),我們獲得亞軍。
Runner-up in 1972 of Form 3A Science Class.
Runner-up in 1972 of Form 3A Science Class.

Schoolmates were having meal at our college before joining the parade of 1973 Hong Kong Festival.
Photo provided by William Wong
Schoolmates were having meal at our college before joining the parade of 1973 Hong Kong Festival.
Photo provided by William Wong

Schoolmates were waiting at the Boundary Street football playground for participating the Parade of 1973 Hong Kong Festival.
Photo provided by William Wong
Schoolmates were waiting at the Boundary Street football playground for participating the Parade of 1973 Hong Kong Festival.
Photo provided by William Wong

校友參與1973年香港節的Parade. 正在打鼓是李鴻傑。
Our schoolmates were joining the Parade of 1973 Hong Kong Festival. Playing Drum is Bruce Li.
Photo provided by William Wong
Our schoolmates were joining the Parade of 1973 Hong Kong Festival. Playing Drum is Bruce Li.
Photo provided by William Wong

Lam Kit Ying (Right 1) & Clemy Law (Left 2) joined Girl Guides Team while studying in Mansfield College.
Photo provided by Sisyphean serendipity
Lam Kit Ying (Right 1) & Clemy Law (Left 2) joined Girl Guides Team while studying in Mansfield College.
Photo provided by Sisyphean serendipity

喬寶寶 Gill Mohinder Paul Singh
小一至小四就讀格致書院,小五至小六轉讀山林道的利瑪竇書院 (P1-P4 studied in Mansfield College & P5-P6 studied in Matteo Ricci school)
小一至小四就讀格致書院,小五至小六轉讀山林道的利瑪竇書院 (P1-P4 studied in Mansfield College & P5-P6 studied in Matteo Ricci school)
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