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Hi Danny, 
I would like to thank you and your site, so that I can reconnect with many of my classmates after almost 55 years. 
Please forward the following message to 倪定國 who posted message M108.

"My name is 張國能 and I graduated in 1969 F.5E. Both 呂則强及曾慶華 were in my class. Recently, I browsed the pictures for year of 1969 and found that I was in the same pictures that you were in. In the picture of F.4, 1968, I was in the second row, fourth from the left. In the picture of F.5, 1969, I was in the second row, seventh from the left. 
I left Hong Kong soon after graduation in June 1969 and moved to Toronto. I stayed in Toronto after graduated from Unive
rsity of Toronto. Where are you now?
Please contact me for further communication. 
Thanks Danny
張國能 Sim

Message Time: 2024-01-09 10:27

Webmaster: Simon, I'm glad that you once again connected another classmate Andrew 倪定國, I will tell him to contact you. Cheers!


I was at MANSFIELD COLLEGE at the Fall of 1972 for Form 6 after 6 years at LA SALLE COLLEGE. La Salle didn't help me a lot & I was very inconfident. I got accepted by Canadian Senior High School in Southern Alberta, Canada by October, 1972. Then I left MANSFIELD & went to Canada. 2 months in Mansfield was fun & the teachers were kind & better than LA SALLE. At that time, I knew many MANSFIELD's students also went to Canada in 1970/1971. I worked very hard for 7 years in Canada & got my degree in Engineering from Canada. I can make a living now. I remember MANSFIELD for offering me a place in Form 6. Even I studied only 3 months in Mansfield in 1972 & I still thankful for Mansfield College for accepting me in Form 6. Remember those ridiculous years in HK's education system. I succeeded in Canada & Italy. Read my Linkedin Profile you may find more! I was preparing to go to Canada while attending Mansfield in 1972. In those early years, we were all uncertain about the future. My parents tried very hard to send me to Canada & support me. I was only waiting in Mansfield College, the school mates were friendly because we were on same boat. POOR & UNCERTAIN. We went out to MongKoK to YUM-CHA after school. Luckily, Canada offered me an opportunity in their senior high & matriculated for 3 Universities at the same time. That was history. 7 years in Canada were very difficult.

Dr.-Ing Stephen M. Yung

Message Time: 2023-10-31 13:14


我是方振雄 (Yingnam Fong), 1971 Form 6 畢業後在政府工作至2006年退休。我在Facebook 有25個群組,歡迎前來分享。我更加歡迎結識其他同學仔。我的群組名稱就是Yingnam的組合。有興趣分享以前和現在事物的,請找我!

Message Time: 2023-08-10 17:21


My name is Queenie Chin (李娉娉), I was a student of Mansfield College from 1973-1979, I am from San Francisco. Miss Leung was our English teacher, I don't remember exactly but I know 張國美, Flora Lam, Patricia Wong, Christopher Luk and 白祖根 and most name I forgot already. I have contacted with the previous mentioned names and some in North America.

Message Time: 2023-08-07 13:32


我是1969年F.5A畢業的倪定國 Andrew黃國樑 (他是當時的班長,25年前我到多倫多拜訪過他)。何國輝與我應該是1968年的F.4同班同學,好像他倆要重唸一年! 1969年F.5畢業的還有以下幾位: 1) 張榮豐的家長在紅磡有一間大餐廳;2) 吳房添 坐在我左邊,家住粉嶺,F.6後移民到三藩市 (25年前我去三藩市探望過他);3) 呂則強 留學加拿大學整骨(Chiropractor)或物理治療,印象應該是Chiropractor。聽說呂則強回港後就在Mansfield附近的金巴利道開設診所,2018年我嘗試拜會呂則強,但他的診所已搬了。其他1969年F.5同班同學有曾慶華區炳威(與我同住土瓜灣),區炳威好像不滿意成績,往別學校重讀F.5,最後考上醫科,我托過HKU醫科朋友試找區炳威但不成功。陳家齊是學校Fencing劍隊的好手。另外,當年5號巴士往Mansfield必須在St. Mary College斜對面即軍營下車,然後走一條平路,然後上斜坡路回學校,這條平路是否叫金巴利道我不記得了。

From 倪定國 Andrew 1969

Message Time: 2023-06-27 17:59


剛剛看到1980年譚振輝(Alan Tam)同學在網頁上的照片,其中三人是我認識的包括(1)劉婉萍;(2) 陳仕強; (3) 秦覺良。請代問譚振輝同學有沒有他們的Email ?

From Alan Lam

Message Time: 2023-05-27 12:52

Webmaster: Alan Lam, 已Email給你有關資料。


How's Daniel King doing? He is always with the smiling face. I has move to Memphis, Tennessee U.S. since 1974.

From Albert Chiang (蔣佐民) 1974 F.5C

Message Time: 2022-12-27 09:14

Webmaster: Albert, I'm glad to know that you have already contacted Daniel and joined their 1974 whatsapp group. 


To Albert Chiang, Do you know or related to David 蔣 from Memphis? We have three classmates from the class of 1970 attending Memphis state. I might have met you if you moved to Memphis in 1974. I did not leave Memphis until 1978.

From Ray Lai 1970

Message Time: 2023-01-19 09:28

Reply to Ray Lai as above: I studied Memphis State (U of M) in 1974 as a freshman. I went to the Chinese Association which was sponsored by the university. At least three schoolmates told me that they were the students of Mansfield. David was a big shot at the Chinese Student Association and he studied at Memphis State in 1975. His father was living in the same village as my father. He is my distance cousin. The Ray that I know was selling BIBLE in Summer time.

From Albert Chiang (蔣佐民) 1974 F.5C

Message Time: 2023-01-19 10:52



我乃 1979 (Form 5A) 屆完畢業。很懷念當年的"千字文"教本,請問有同學可以幫忙找到嗎? 請問如何可以加入(溫哥華)格致校友會?

From 何世昌 Tony

Message Time: 2022-12-18 18:31

Webmaster: 有關千字文教本只得一本,沒有其他可提供,我們只能拍攝後send給你,你認為這樣是否幫到你?有關加入溫哥華的校友會,我們正與有關人士聯絡。據初步瞭解,當年香港10多位校友組團到溫哥華探望李老師並與校友匯合。

Message Time: 2022-12-19 10:20

非常感謝版主,如果有我們格致書院的‘千字文‘ 電子資料(照片或Scan)的話, 那就非常好,我可以複製一本或數本!謝謝你們這麼用心組織這個校友會,很懷念舊日的格致書院! 適逢聖誕,在此恭賀大家。

From 何世昌 Tony

Message Time: 2022-12-19 10:44



From 王家禮

Message Time: 2022-12-14 11:17


我雖然中三後離校,但記得當時有一位中文老師叫李留平,李sir 教中文和中史。韓sir 都有教過我,我最有印象係:當佢上中史堂嘅時候,一定畫一幅中國地圖。那時中國嘅版圖係一塊海棠葉,上面佢一定有黃河同埋長江。佢重寫咗一首詩講中國嘅朝代由黃帝到中華民國,我記得佢係台灣畢業。

From Roy Wong

Message Time: 2022-11-10 Facebook/hkmansfield

Roy Wong, 我曾經和你同過班。我的國文老師是韓公,教 朱 熹 的 論 語!

From Eric Ng

Message Time: 2022-11-10 Facebook/hkmansfield


姜蓓莉小姐,不知妳是否還記得我這個舊同學. 我是在1980讀F5班的。其後去了加拿大繼續升學。現時居住在加拿大。 一直都想聯絡以前格致書院的舊同學。今天很開心發現這個平台。

From 林兆麟 Alan Lam

Message Time: 2022-08-19 17:46

版主: 林兆麟校友,你好。收到你的網上留言,我們已經與姜蓓莉小姐聯絡,我們已將你的資料轉交給她,相信你們會在40多年後的今天再次聯絡上。Thank you Alan Tam, we have transferred your info to Miss Jenny, we think both of you will re-connect again after 40 years.

Message Time: 2022-08-20 11:06


韓公老師洞悉世情,講課之餘也不忘,教導我們做人道理,年代久遠,相信早已仙遊,內心實是懷念。50年後還憶起老師八字真言 "人無遠慮必有近憂"。我記憶中老師仍然留下民國文人的風采,當今中國香港甚至台灣也沒有比得起民國年代文人的氣魄和理想。

From Kwan

Message Time: 2022-08-17 19:54

I remember a few more  things about 韓公,he smoked cigar, told us his grandpa set his name as 國霖,wishing him to 霖(甘)雨浩蒼天. I think his grandpa was well educated.  Occasionally, he boosted about making a profit by selling chemicals to China for the Korean war.  Anything about Chinese literature, I returned to him in my dream & cannot recall, Ha Ha.

From Ng Kit

Message Time: 2022-08-17 20:43


版主:格致書院早期學生成績相當不錯,不一定臭名遠播。1967年會考成績在全九龍名列第7。只是收生人數眾多,被較差學生影響聲譽。一般較好成績的學生會在上午班。A,B班都會是Science Class, 其後是Arts 班,然後是商科班。所以商科班有機會是H班。

至於同學Johnson Kung提及本校學生不少是藝人或歌手,其中原因之一是學校當年不遺餘力邀請電視台及著名導師擔任課外活動導師,一些優秀的學生都會被推薦參與電視台工作或訓練班。同學可參考以下1975年課外活動導師的陣容,包括著名口琴導師梁日昭先生,黃霑先生都是拜他為師學習口琴。另外戲劇組導師章經先生令我校戲劇組獲得不少獎項。而舞蹈組黃藝諳導師和我校校長鄭亞清更是香港舞蹈總會的創會會員,是舞蹈界舉足輕重的人士,著名舞蹈家劉兆銘亦是黃藝諳的師弟。當然其他組別如劍擊組、乒乓球組等在公開比賽更屢獲殊榮。

Message Time: 2022-08-15 09:27


I was in class of 1971. I would like to connect with my old classmates like 李泉、林日明。吳傑、崔枝鳳, do you still remember your old good friend Joe Ming Kay Fung 馮明基 ? 李泉 is a Math genesis. Now I live and retire in Houston Texas USA. Someday I like to connect them and may be to meet in HK. Can I get contact of Lee Tsun, 林日明 and 吳傑?

From Joe Ming Kay Fung 馮明基 1971

Message Time: 2022-06-08 07:39

Webmaster: Joe, I'm glad that you have re-connected over fifty-year long-lost 李泉 and 吳傑 within a day right after you contacted me, mainly because they had already left us their mobile numbers. And 李泉 Tsun is willing to post many photos & info on the school website so you could easily find your old classmates on our school website. 故希望大家儘量提供照片及資料有助同學容易找到大家。


記起韓老師(韓公)上課時經常強調漢人在魏晉時代多"彈琵琶學胡語" 而我們今天就"彈結他學英語",當年韓老師表面上是搞笑,但幾十年後才發覺當年是話中有悲情。無可否認西域文化及印度文化傳入中土,使漢文化在律詩、文化、藝術、音樂等方面突飛猛進,其實韓老師是希望提醒我們今天在西方文化制度裏學習西方科學、文學和英語時,也不要忘記中華文化優秀傳統。還記起楊潔薇同學曾經對我說她最佩服的老師是韓公,多年後回憶她所說的話才恍然大悟。有一位我已經忘記了名字的同學在我遺失的紀念冊上寫著「天若有情天亦老 月若無恨月亦圓」,因這兩句我印象深刻至今無忘。前一句出自唐朝詩人李賀而後一句出自宋代詞人石延年。這兩句後來成了千古絕句,相信當年那位同學文學造詣高深。

From 關少棠 1971 F.5B

Message Time: 2022-06-03 20:42


我是孔祥義 Peter Hung,曾讀格致書院1968至1972,我想尋找同班同學王傑倫(Jerry Wong). M023梁藴鶯同學,妳有他的聯絡嗎?謝謝!

From 孔祥義 Peter Hung

Message Time: 2022-05-22 11:51


Thank you very much for your time building this wonderful site! I thoroughly enjoy reading all of it. Unfortunately I didn’t see any news about classmates that I knew, except 許伯鈞.

By the way, 許伯鈞 and I were in the same class from 1965 (P.5) to 1971 (F.4); afterward he stayed on with the “science” class, and I switched to a “hybrid” class with both science (biology and math) and Arts (Chinese History, Economics, and Geography). When I was doing my PhD in Geography at Ohio State (1979-1984), 許伯銘 (his younger brother) was doing his PhD in Physics at Ohio State; he was a couple of years behind me. I had lunch with both of them in the summer of 1984 in a McDonald’s in Columbus, Ohio just before I moved back to Hong Kong to teach at HKU (1984-1988), and that was the last time I saw both of them … 38 years ago!

Killian Ying (應秉洪)

Class of 1972, Castaic, California

Message Time: 2022-05-13 05:08


我是陳寶珠 (Milady Chan), 就讀格致書院由1975-1979年 F5D am班,以下M063留言梁佩娥是我認識的同學,很希望與她及其他認識我的同學聨絡。感激!

From 陳寶珠 (Milady Chan)

Message Time: 2022-05-11 18:51

To Webmaster, 很開心收到舊同學的消息,我認識陳寶珠,希望是同一個陳寶珠,我移民了溫哥華30多年了,希望她聯絡我,謝謝。

From Virginia Leung 梁佩娥 1979

Message Time: 2022-05-12 20:28

版主回覆: 很高興妳們相隔四十多年能再次聯絡上,又一次促成同學相認。Another successful re-connection.


本人陳美月(Chan Mei Yuet Moon),就讀格致小學及中學,1976-1980 (F.1-F.4) F.4轉校,後來移民往美國。很高興在此網站發現格致小學同學容秀勤的名字及相片,通過版主幫忙即日便找到失聯超過47年的小學同學,非常感激版主建立此網站。

From 陳美月

Message Time: 2022-05-02 20:37



I was so excited to come across your website. I migrated to United States on July 12, 1969, with my family. I lost contact with most of my friends from Mansfield and Hong Kong about a year later, except I had met Louisa Lee at the San Francisco Airport. She was on her way to Wisconsin to attend college, and that was the last time we connected. When I left Mansfield, I believe, I had just finished Form 2. I was in the morning class, and I was in the primary building. I can still remember the smell of egg sandwiches, buttered toasts and fish ball from the snack bar. Just before I left Hong Kong, I remembered I had watched a few Chinese dance practice, as they were getting ready for the competition. Mary Hon (韓馬利) was one of the dancers. I still remember Mary, from seeing her movies/dramas. I lived in San Francisco from 1969 to 1991. I moved to Phoenix, Arizona in 1992, and live there ever since.

From Stanley Sik Shan Wong (Ah Shan) 

Message Time: 2022-03-23 10:44


多謝版主傳來的資料。與同學石家祥隔别五十多年再互通诮息,興奮非常,尤其是Simon 及石家祥,他們昔日放學同行回家。相連的關係,更串連多其他幾個同學而他們也經常相聚。因此我們這羣组又擴大些。代表多位新舊加入的同學多謝版主你大大的幫忙。

Message Time: 2022-03-13 04:53​

版主回覆: 不用多謝。只因你提供相片及同學名字,而又記得石家祥名字,所以便追問源頭才找到他。最初Anita Lee sent email給我,讚揚建立網站並希望找當年同學,當初她以為自己是72年,後來跟她whatsapp對話,花了整晚時間慢慢分析,才知道她應該是70年畢業,追問之下,是Patrick Yip (1968年畢業) 告訴她學校網站,再追問Patrick 原來是石家祥告訴Patrick有關網站,當時看見石家祥三個字很有印象,腦海頓時叮一聲,其後便促成你們的Reunion,真的很高興你們又成功找到失散50多年的同學。

Message Time: 2022-03-13 09:29


My name is Anita Lee, I graduated from Mansfield in 1970, now living in USA, My classmate forwarded me the web that you developed. You did a great job. It helps us to connect together. I am so happy to see that since I left hometown in 1975. If you have any news about the school, I would like to be part of the family.

From Anita Lee 李潔雲 1970

Message Time: 2022-03-10 10:22​

Webmaster: Anita, we have taken down your personal info, we will inform you once we have any activity.

Message Time: 2022-03-10 21:48


I'm Chan Chi Keung. I was at Mansfield 1967-1971. I left hk in 1973 and living in England now. I can only remember a guy called Jess Chan.

From Chan Chi Keung 陳志強

Message Time: 2021-12-16 00:58​


我是75-80年就讀的格致仔。真心高興能找到母校在維基百科中出現,萬二分感謝創制的師兄弟姐妹;使我人生的晚年,像見到母校再豎立在眼前般;勾起許多美好的回憶⋯⋯每年學校旅行都必去的格致灣(銀礦灣)、每年學校頒獎典禮都請的嘉賓Albert Au、想走堂必攀的後巷圍欄丶永遠穿旗袍教數學的Miss Wong (大粒墨)、愛抽雪茄的中史老師⋯感恩有母校的伴隨。 再次感謝有Mr.Ng的熱誠建制網頁。

From Lau Wai Keung

Message Time: 2021-12-10 16:29​

版主回覆: 劉同學,多謝你的留言,學校雖然不在,但我們格致仔的精神和信念依然還在。通過學校網站可勾起昔日光輝的回憶和共同創造未來動向,繼續努力!

Message Time: 2021-12-13 10:11


My name is Tony Law. I attended Mansfield College from 1964-1968. Migrated to San Francisco in 1970. Reply to M086 溫福和同學, I do remember you. We were in F.3 and I was the monitor and Diana Lee was the assistant monitor. Tammy was Diana's best friend.

From Tony Law 羅志生

Message Time: 2021-11-07 08:06​

Webmaster, Please have Tony contact me if you can. Thanks.

From William Wan 溫福和

Message Time: 2021-11-10 17:53

Hi Tony Law, please find yourself and other classmates that you know from the pictures I posted on the webpage of Alumni 1969 in our school site. There are lot of friends talked about you. Do you remember English teacher Miss Szeto? Provide me your contact to webmaster and I will call you ASAP.

​From Paul Yim 嚴焰華

Message Time: 2021-11-13 06:04

Thanks Webmaster, I have reconnected with 溫福和, Paul Yim 嚴焰華 and other classmates.

From Tony Law 羅志生

Message Time: 2021-11-17 01:17

Webmaster: I'm glad that all of you can re-connect after 50 years through our school website. It's amazing! Hope other classmates provide more photos for finding old classmates successfully.

Message Time: 2021-11-17 08:53


I attended Mansfield College for the years of 1980-1985, any classmates here?

From May So

Message Time: 2021-09-18 23:53


I attended Mansfield College for the years of 1965-1967, probably Form 3 to Form 4 and then migrated to Los Angeles in 1967. I am looking for some good old classmates. I remember my Chinese Teacher was Mr. Chan. One of the students studied in school was Yung Yan Yan (翁茵茵) who is Miss Hong Kong of 1968 (香港環球小姐). The information I provided is true, the whole true nothing but the true. I don’t have any photo or information about Tammy Yung, the last knew about her was she was working International airline as hostess. The founder of our school and some of the teaching staffs come from New Method College so our school’s system was pretty much like New Method College.

From Wan Fook Wo, William 溫福和

Message Time: 2021-08-10 14:57


Webmaster, refer to M061, I need to contact Wah-Chiu Mak 麥華照, Form 5A 1970. His name is also known as Tony.

From Ray 黎玉池 Form 5A, 1970

Message Time: 2021-08-03 05:38

Webmaster, thanks for email.  I am very interested in re-connecting to Ray 黎玉池.  He and I are old friends.  I have not visited our Mansfield Alumni Web Page for some time.  I am sorry to miss this.  Would you re-connect me with him and inform him of my email address?

Many thanks

Mak Wah Chiu Tony 麥華照

Message Time: 2021-11-09 21:40

Webmaster: Ray and Tony, I'm glad that both of you have reconnected through our school website after 50 years.

Message Time: 2021-11-16 09:45

Dear Webmaster, thank you very much for connecting me with Ray Lai 黎玉池 5A, 1970.

Mak Wah Chiu Tony 麥華照 5A, 1970

Message Time: 2022-01-09 10:38



Thanks to Danny Ng, I have reconnected with Jackie Chan after 53 years and chatted with him for an hour. I hope with this website I can find more old classmates.

From Paul YIM

Message Time: 2021-07-13 03:36

Webmaster: Paul, it's unbelievable that you reconnected one more old classmate through me and our website in a short time right after Christina Leung and Simon Cheung 張國能。 And I've talked with Jackie Chan (陳則祺), he also praised the importance of our website. 只要各同學提供準確資料和照片,有助大家迅速尋找失聯同學。


This is 譚毓芸, Margaret Tam. I left Mansfield in 1968 to Toronto, just finished Form 2. Looking for Fina Li (利芬蘭) and Kitty Ho (何笑雲). Finished Form 2 in 1968. I live in Toronto since then and has been 53 years without connection. 李泉, 李同歡 同學, Glad to see your name on this website. Please contact me.

From Margaret Tam 譚毓芸

Message Time: 2021-07-01 01:21

Webmaster: Margaret, glad to know that you have re-connection with 李泉及李同歡after 53 years thru our website.


近日通過Webmaster幫我們與楊榮雄联络上了,50年沒聯絡!太感謝您的幫忙,謝謝啦!另外,Reply to M054, I was in the same class at lower Form and graduated in the same year with Mr. Shark 李同歡。Please send my contact info to him.

From Lee Tsun (李泉)

Message Time: 2021-06-19 03:39

版主: 李泉同學, 很高興你聯絡上50年沒聯絡的舊同學,我都是在學校網站看見你所提供的照片寫著楊榮雄而我也在Whatsapp Group認識Franky, 原來楊榮雄和Franky Wong (1974) 是有聯係,我八卦瞭解一下才促成你們能再聯絡得上。所以各同學能提供照片及同學名字有助日後相認同學,因爲我校網站很快會被搜尋器找到。最後,已將你的資料給他。 Webmaster: Lee Tsun, it's nice to know that you have reconnected with long lost classmate Yeung Wing Hong after 50 years. It is mainly related to the photos provided by you with the classmates' names on it. So, I hope the other alumni keep providing us photos & infos. Hope you can contact with Mr. Shark.


Reply to M080, Thanks to Webmaster, I have reconnected to Simon Cheung and Christina Leung. This website is very good and helpful. Hope more people can and will reconnect to their lost friends.

From Paul YIM

Message Time: 2021-06-11 11:00

Webmaster: Paul, I'm glad that you have reconnected with Simon & Christina for almost a half century. It's amazing! They just posted their messages two months ago. This website can help everyone of you. So, I encourage everyone to use this website to look for their lost classmates by providing more info such as name, class and photos.

版主: Paul, 很高興你相隔差不多半個世紀再能與Simon & Christina聯絡得上,真的難以致信。他們只是兩個月前才在這裏貼文,本網站確實幫到大家。我鼓勵大家多利用此網站提供資料例如中英文名、班別、甚至相片去尋找昔日失聯同學。


回應M079, Please provide me Christina Leung and 張國能兩位的聯絡資料,我們曾是同班同學。From Paul Yim

Message Time: 2021-06-09 04:33


From Christina Leung 梁瑞明

Message Time: 2021-06-09 21:39

Yes, I remember Paul Yim. Please forward my contact information to him, so that he can reconnect with me.

From Simon 張國能

Message Time: 2021-06-09 23:02


Response to M078. Webmaster, thank you very much for setting up this website, so we can reconnect with old classmates. My name is Cheung Kwok-non (張國能), I attended Hong Kong Mansfield College, I think I was in the same F.3 class as Christina Leung. Please find the attached photo that she gave me when we were at F.3 science class together. Please forward this email and my contact information to her.

From Cheung Kwok Non (張國能)

Message Time: 2021-04-17 22:53


From Christina Leung 梁瑞明

Message Time: 2021-04-19 19:02

Webmaster: I am so happy that one more case is reconnected successfully just within two weeks, it mainly depends on the photo provided. So all of you are strongly advised to provide old or new photo for finding long lost classmates. 這次只需兩星期就再一次成功尋找失聯的同學,主要同學提供昔日的照片,所以我呼籲大家盡可能提供新或舊照片有助尋找失聯同學。


我於1968年Form 5畢業,記得有同學叫曾憲成 Tommy Tsang。如認識本人或他,請通過版主與我聯絡。

From Christina Leung 梁瑞明

Message Time: 2021-04-04 16:55



From Thang Wai Ming

Message Time: 2021-03-27 22:43



I am Simon Woo. I went to Mansfield from 1968 - 1971. Graduated in Form 6. Looking for 王文彬 朱兆和 龐伯琪。

Message Time: 2020-12-29 09:29


Hi Webmaster, thanks for your kind assistance with regard to connect my old classmate Ng Kit, I got his email this morning. We expect meet next year in HK as he is not in HK for the time being. I do not have any old photos as I have relocated in various places/countries since I left HK in 1973. The only thing left is my memory of those funny school time and carefree days. I will try to ask others to provide pictures but one of them is not in HK now. Hope he back to HK later after the end of pandemic. Merry X'mas and have a fruitful New Year!

From Kwan

Message Time: 2020-12-23 11:23

Webmaster: It is good to hear that both of you have contacted again after a long time. Another successful re-connected case. 又一次成功尋找失聯的案列。

Message Time: 2020-12-23 12:20


In reply to M073 Ng Kit. I graduated in 1971 Form 5B. His name is still in my memory and you told me how to study in Germany and also encouraged me to learn German in our school year if my memory doesn't deceive me . My name is Kwan Siu Tong, I have contacted with Chan Chi Keung, Man Yiu Joe, and Lee Man Sing since I returned to Hong Kong. Really happy to learn some of my former classmates messages.

From Kwan Siu Tong 關少棠

Message Time: 2020-12-21 17:53

Ng Kit was my classmates in Form 5B from 1970-71 (I think we were also in Form 4B in 1970); Chan Chi Keung was also in Form 5B together. The fact is that we had not met since we graduated in 1971, Mr. Ng's forgetfulness of our names is not an unusual phenomenon, but I am sure he might still keep some names in his memory like Cheng Chun Pong and Yim King Sin (our class monitor of Form B). I should be most grateful if webmaster would send forward my contact infos to Mr. Ng so we can have a reunion in HK or somewhere in the near future.

From Kwan Siu Tong 關少棠

Message Time: 2020-12-22 17:46

Webmaster: Dear Mr. Kwan, we have sent your contact information to Ng Kit Chris. Although he may forget some of your names, he would try to search the old photos to refresh his memory. If all of you including Chan Chi Keung and others have the old photos, just let us post on the website and let him know. This is the most effective way to attract old classmates' attention and refresh their memories. M071-M072 are the good example as they shared their photos on the website.

Message Time: 2020-12-22 12:55


Reply to M068 I graduated in 1971 & completed Form 6 in 1972. I knew Yu Wing Kei 余永基 & his wife Wong May Ying 黃美英, but I lost contact with them.

I cannot recall the name Chan Chi Keung in M068. It was 50 years ago. My Chinese name is 吳傑. The only classmate that I am still in contact is Chui Chi Fung 崔枝鳳。

From NG Kit, Chris 吳傑

Message Time: 2020-12-14 14:52


Thanks Danny, we are in touch with Betty Ho, 此校友網站非常有用。

From Betty Tsoi 蔡小華 1974 Form 5A

Message Time: 2020-10-21 23:04

版主: 蔡同學,Good News 又一次幫助到失聯40多年的同學再次重逢。證明學校網站可發揮尋找舊同學作用。

Message Time: 2020-10-22 07:50



Thanks for putting up the webpage for Mansfield College.

I am Betty Tsoi 蔡小華 of 1974 Form 5A. We have 2 WhatsApp chat groups and would like to reach out to our old classmates. 

Attached couple photos of our classes.  Please kindly post them up.

Besides me, Franky Wong, Michael Mak, Jacky Lai, Lisa Choi, Jenny Chan, Johnny So, Ronald Wah, Raymond Hau, Daniel King and few others are active.

From Betty Tsoi 蔡小華 1974 Form 5A

Message Time: 2020-10-16 12:27

Webmaster: Dear Betty, thank you for your precious group photos, I have posted them on the school website in the column “Alumni Photos of 1974”. The other schoolmates may look up the photos. By the way, Betty Ho 何國瑜 of M062 in below may know you because she also graduated in Class Form 5A in 1974. I will give you her contact information, hope you can find your long lost classmate.

Message Time: 2020-10-16 13:54



I graduated in 1967 and moved to Los Angeles in 1969.

From George Young

Message Time: 2020-09-12 03:59



In reply to M060 Mr. Patrick Lee, please contact Danny (webmaster) and provide me contact info. I am living in Ontario Richmond Hill. May be I or some other people may know you.

From: Paul Yim

Message Time: 2020-07-06 05:23

Webmaster: Dear Paul, Patrick Lee who also living in Toronto has noticed your message and confirmed us to give you his contact, you can contact him directly by phone for Mansfieldship. As lyrics in our Chinese college song: whenever & wherever we met, our Mansfieldship will never change.

版主:嚴同學,有關你想聯絡住在多倫多的Patrick Lee,他得悉後已同意本會提供他的聯絡方法給閣下,你可直接電聯他以發展格致友誼。正如校歌歌詞所寫:「無論何時何處相見,緣分珍惜不會變」。

Message Time: 2020-07-08 09:25



We wish to contact with Yu Wing Key 余永基 & others of Form 5B, 1971. Please let's know where you are (in HK or overseas). 

From: Chan Chi Keung 陳志強 (Kwan Siu Tong 關少棠) et al.

Message Time: 2020-06-16 13:51


I left the college in 1972 and left hk in 1975. My name is Richard Chan and l am living in England. I would like to join this big family.

From: Richard Chan

Message Time: 2020-06-14 03:04


My name is 劉永智. I see that almost all of the people who left messages were alumni of Mansfield College's Secondary (F1-F7) Education. However, I was from the primary school (which was in a separate building few doors down from the secondary school on Knutsford Terrace). I entered Mansfield College's Primary School in 1974 as a second grader and gradated in 1978. I would like to see if I can get into contact with any of my primary school friends. I left Hong Kong in 1984 and moved to the U.S.. Now I am residing in Southern California.

Does anyone have any information about the disciplinary Dean Mr. Chow in the primary school side? We called him Chow Sir. We were very scared of him. But we know he was a good person looking after us.

I missed the days of running from our primary school side to the Secondary school side to buy snacks during recess. The buttered toast, egg sandwiches, and fish balls were so good. 

From 劉永智 (Primary Schoolmate)

Message Time: 2020-05-04 00:43



Message Time: 2020-04-19 22:40


我是余錫成,1975年畢業,在五年格致書院,都是考全级前三名,同學有陳賢强,Peter Chung,丘榮光,Betty Ip。我是讀文科,當時校長是鄭亞清,有一個老許,負責訓導,中文老師是謝采章。如有認識同學,請聯​。

From Daniel Yu 余錫成

Message Time: 2020-04-6 23:51 Facebook



I’m Virginia Leung 梁佩娥,graduated in 1979. I moved to Vancouver in 90’s. I lost my address book, so I have no way to contact my old buddies especially 李嘉齡,宋玉蓮. I hope someone can help me to find them. Thanks

From Virginia Leung 梁佩娥

Message Time: 2020-03-25 15:13


I graduated in 1974, class 5A. Only remember phys 佬 teach physics, Ms Au teach biology. M010 William To, 杜福強 in below message was my best friend,同班同學有Jack,曾植良。

From Betty Ho 何國瑜

Message Time: 2020-03-09 11:48



Although residing in the US for many years, I am very pleased today to find out that we have a Mansfield Alumni Association formed in HK.

Mak Wah Chiu Tony 麥華照, Form 5A 1970

Message Time: 2020-01-13 19:18



I was in Form 5 at Mansfield College from September 1967 to May 1968. I left Hong Kong in September 1968 and migrated to Canada. I have been living in Toronto for the last 46 years. Wondering if anyone graduated from form 5 in 1968 living in Toronto. And after many moves over the years, I cannot find an old photo when I was a teenager.

李克瑋 Patrick Lee

Message Time: 2019-12-23 05:06


Hello, I am Marie, I studied at Mansfield College from 1973-1977, then I left for Australia before Graduation. Does anyone have (黃麗蓮) Lilian Wong's contact? (Pls see Photos at the Looking for classmates Page 尋找同學頁面). Lilian graduated from Mansfield College in 1978 and worked for Mansfield College in Administration Office. I am a good friend of Lillian Wong (黃麗蓮) and would like to contact Mansfield College Alumni Association, please contact me. I am in Hong Kong for three weeks and will return to Australia on 11/1/2020, thank you.

From Marie Lo

Message Time: 2019-12-22 thru Facebook


I was a student in Mansfield's collage I studied there from Form 3 to Form 4. Mr Chan was my Class teacher as he taught us accounting.. I was wondering how could I get my certificate from Mansfield's collage? 

My name is Chandra Lalwani 

Thank you hope u can provide me some information .

From Chandra Lalwani 1975

Message Time: 2019-12-11 22:43

Webmaster: Dear Chandra, as our college was closed down many years ago, there is no way to get back your certificate from the college.

Message Time: 2019-12-12 09:05



同學 貝慶生

Message Time: 2019-11-30 17:30





Message Time: 2019-08-17 20:17


我的名字: 華致健,1983中學一年級下學期升讀二年級前回台灣定居,就讀C班,想找老同學。認識我的同學請聯絡版主以便進一步聯絡。

My Name is WAH CHI KIN, studied second term in Form 1 Class C in 1983 but migrated to Taiwan before promoting to Form 2, really want to find my old classmates. Those who know me can contact webmaster for further information.

Message Time: 2019-05-19 21:09



同學 李同歡

Message Time: 2019-01-24 17:05



Wilfred Au Wai-Fan, my friend, should be in the graduation class 1967, I am just wondering whether any of the alumni knows his where about. He is related to the head-teacher/headmaster of the time.

From John Chiu

Message Time: 2019-01-09 04:16

Webmaster: John, we just wonder whether you have your friend Chinese name and his photo so that the other alumni can recognize him.

Message Time: 2019-01-09 09:07

John Chiu: His name in Chinese is 歐維帆. Reason I thought about him was I had stumbled into your site while accessing U of Oxford's Mansfield and recalling he went to 格致書院 because his father was appointed as some sort of head teacher/ headmaster of the time.I may find his picture but it will be picture of ~50 years ago and of course not digital!    

Message Time: 2019-01-09 12:56

Webmaster: John, his photos of 50 year ago are what we need to let his classmates recognize him easier. Of course, the recent photos definitely help other schoolmates know him (if you have). Search engine may help to find him out. We look forwards to your photos of him.

Message Time: 2019-01-12 17:57

John Chiu: Webmaster, thank you for your reply. I did find 2 pictures taken in Mar 1970 (Pls see the photos at (the Looking for classmates Page 尋找同學頁面), I copied them with a digital camera, snipped his images, and put them on Words (attached). I don't think he changed much from 1967 to 1970. Unfortunately, I am afraid I would not have any of his more recent pictures nor any older pictures. As you know in those days, we poor students could hardly afford to take pictures often.

Message Time: 2019-01-14 04:28


I graduated in 1976 and moved to Toronto, Canada. I only remember Mr Yam (任老師) taught Chinese literature. I remember two friends, one is Christine Chu and the other one is Rebecca.

From Kristine Yuen

Message Time: 2018-12-29 08:41

Webmaster: Kristine, many alumni have been living in Toronto like you, you may send us your old and recent photos to us so that more alumni can recognize you.

Message Time: 2019-01-02 09:00



同學 李同歡

Message Time: 2018-12-27 13:53

版主: 李同歡同學,李泉同學(1971 Form 5A)依然有和我們聯絡,他現居於三藩市,你可看71屆別(Form 5A)的相片集便可看到他的近況。暫時沒有劉興兒和趙老師的消息。其他同學如有請通知我們。

Message Time: 2019-01-02 08:46


我當初入格致 任老師是我的中文科老師。他應該有位妹妹任教地理科的。當我第一次上他的中文科時,他用古文的朗誦來演譯《愛蓮說》,十分精彩。之後也沒有老師可以這樣朗誦了。不知任老師是否健在?差不多半個世紀了。

同學 李同歡

Message Time: 2018-12-19 14:01

版主: 據(Miss Chui)徐老師回覆任老師沒有妹妹。任老師現時都有和其他老師聯絡,你可以瀏覽我們的時任老師網頁,看看老師們的近況。

Message Time: 2018-12-20 11:20


不知許燕怡(她以前叫許趣怡)去了那裡教書?之前有位教化學的老師叫Miss Lau。她用傳統的教法令我打好化學的基礎。請問大家教物理的謝老師有沒有聯絡?

同學 李同歡

Message Time: 2018-12-18 11:19

版主: 現在沒有許燕怡老師的消息,希望有其他校友能聯絡上她。據(Miss Chui)徐老師回覆有幾位Miss Lau ,她知道的有劉興兒和劉惠卿 (Emily),其他就不清楚了。另外,據校友 李泉 表示自70年代已沒有聯絡教物理的謝國光老師。

Message Time: 2018-12-20 11:10



同學 李同歡

Message Time: 2018-12-17 14:15

版主: 李同學,我之前的班主任都是許Sir的女兒 許燕怡。她教我們English and Economics. 

Message Time: 2018-12-18 09:04


我(陶志遠)是未有畢業(F3)就出嚟工作。但是我見留言版M030梁永楷,他應該是記得我的。和他同班幾年小六到F.3。 現在有聯絡的同學,孔國輝(香港),馬志城(多倫多),James Leung(温哥華)。 之前(25年前)移民加拿大多倫多,4年前回流香港。也想和一些同學保持聯絡。

同學 陶志遠

Message Time: 2018-12-14 10:12


我們的校友及前著名藝人《藍潔瑛》被發現倒斃於寓所,終年55歲 (03/11/2018)。Our schoolmate (Lam Kit Ying), also former famous celebrity, was found dead in her home at her 55.

藍潔瑛小檔案 Provided by schoolmate: Tsun LEE


終於:03/11/2018 (55歲)

英文名:Yammie (有靚絕五台山美譽)









Message Time: 2018-11-03 18:45


校友林超賢執導的《紅海行動》在第14屆中美電影節中獲頒最佳電影。《Operation Red Sea》directed by our alumnus, Dante LAM Chiu Yin, won the Best Movie in the 14th Chinese American Film Festival.

版主 Webmaster

Message Time: 2018-11-02 11:53



Answering M033 Diana Lee: saw your picture on Facebook and tried to contact you but got no reply. Web Master, please provide me her info. that I can contact her.

From: Paul Yim

Message Time: 2018-10-24 10:03

Webmaster: Paul, I already told her to contact you.

Message Time: 2018-10-24 10:03


(Pls see Photos at the Looking for classmates Page 尋找同學頁面), my Chinese name is 彭潤輝 (Form-2 PM school) in 1971, I shall visit Hong Kong on 13 October 2018 for two week.

From: Yun Fai Pang (彭潤輝)

Message Time: 2018-9-13 03:20



I am started my education with Mansfield College in September 1969 finished my second-year middle school (Form-2 PM school) in 1971 then went to UK to continue of my education in UK. I am living in Ipswich, Suffolk, UK now, would like to contact anyone who knows me or studied between 1969 to 1971 in the afternoon school. Last year visited the Knutsford Terrace old school location what a changing.

From: Yun Fai Pang (彭潤輝)

Message Time: 2018-9-11 21:25

Webmaster: Hi, Yun Fai Pang, it is nice to know one more schoolmate living in far away county in the UK but it is better to have your photos of that time (Form 2 PM school), so that more schoolmates can recognize you as this has been 40 years ago.

Message Time: 2018-9-12 09:32


I finished Form 6 in 1966 & immigrated to U.S. in 1969, live in Temple City next to Acadia & Pasadena.

From: George. J Young

Message Time: 2018-8-26 07:52


有沒有1986年3D班的校友在? Any schoolmates of Class 3D in 1986?

From Wai

Message Time: 2018-7-07 21:29




From Billy Tang 鄧植森

Message Time: 2018-4-30 14:10

版主: Billy, 歡迎你分享你的往事,王祖祐主任(瘦王)、黃國雄(肥黃)和任顯京老師都有出席我們的活動,請參考本網站的「時任老師網頁」。

Webmaster: Billy, Thank you for sharing your memory of Mansfield College, some teachers such as Joe Wong joined our banquet in 2016, please refer to the Teacher Page of this website. 

Message Time: 2018-5-02 08:50






From Paul Yim of M017 and M028

Message Time: 2018-4-27 10:43



我於 1971 年上午 Form 5A 畢業,當年教我的老師有:

中文: 王則蘆老師, 當年暑假退休去了台北。

中史: (任 Sir,不肯定)。

英文: Miss Wu (大胡) 中氣十足。

Oral: Miss “E sounds like aunt in Cantonese”,小組上課。

數學: 任 Sir,陰聲細氣。

附數: 葉 Sir (曾是化學黃在九龍喇沙任教時的學生)。

物理: 謝國光老師 (Phy 佬) “智力不是由頭的大小而是由大腦皮層摺紋多少所決定” 。後轉往港島威靈頓任教。

化學: 黃 Sir (從九龍喇沙請過來,葉 Sir 中學時叫他大眼妹),” 滴定法,不是水喉冲射法!”。

生物: Miss Sandra Wu (細胡,据傳是練武之人)。




From: Mr. Tsun Lee (1971)

Message Time: 2018-4-15 18:36

版主:Mr. Tsun Lee 學友,歡迎你轉告其他校友有關本網站。你可以通過本會的E-mail上傳你們的相片給本會。時任老師網頁是由左起描述。

Webmaster: Mr. Tsun Lee, thanks for telling other schoolmates about our website, you can send us your photos by e-mail. The description starts from left in "Our Teachers Page".

Message Time: 2018-4-17 09:42


Please include me in future activities.

From 伍卓雄

Message Time: 2018-3-19 13:44


Looking for alumni in Los Angeles area.

From George Joe G. Young 1966 F.5, 1967 F.6

Message Time: 2017-12-29 23:10


Refer to Message M020, I was a student at that time (1971-1975). Miss Ng was my English Teacher, Miss Lok was Geography Teacher. Anita Lau, just wanted to know if we know each other.

From Michael Li

Message Time: 2017-12-10 05:43


Hi, is 黃君日老師還健在嗎?

From Diana Lee

Message Time: 2017-12-07 01:39


我是李志生,Samuel Li,  格致1978年畢業。

Message Time: 2017-12-02 06:33

我係梁永楷 , 1976 Form 5A 班, 同班同學有蔡旭生, 許伯銘, 王家衛, 張月仙, 郭家寶, 其餘忘記了。

Message Time: 2017-11-25 18:54


My name is 梁永楷 . 教英文的老師叫 Henry Chan .教化學的叫黃Sir, 教中文叫張松生, 任老師 , Form 2 教中文是Miss Yeung , Miss Tsui 是教我 小六History。

Message Time: 2017-11-22 23:47


Message Time: 2017-11-23 09:50



Webmaster, thanks to your effort, just received contact from Diana Wong, will contact her soon.

From Paul YIM

Message Time: 2017-10-24 21:10

Webmaster: It's nice to know that both of you can find each other in Toronto through our website, hope you can find more alumni in Toronto.

Message Time: 2017-10-26 09:11



My name is YIM , answering M027 I will be arriving Hong kong on 28 Nov. 2017 please contact webmaster to get my info. and please tell me your name.
Message Time: 2017-10-23 08:07



可否給我嚴焰華的contact address給我?他是在六九年離開格致的 我也是同年畢業,可能他可以幫我找到一些舊同學。 Thanks.

Message Time: 2017-10-19 23:36

Webmaster: 請你留下你的聯絡資料,因我們沒法與你聯絡。

Message Time: 2017-10-23 07:28



My name is Diana Wong 黃德倫。好開心無意中看到這個website。我畢業於1969 and went to England for my nursing. Now I live in Toronto, Canada. Love to locate all my old classmates, especially Lau Wai Ching 劉慧貞 (1970)。
Message Time: 2017-10-09 13:04

Webmaster: Hi, Diana. The purpose of developing this website is for the reunion of our classmates, anyone who knows Diana or wants to find their classmates, please contact us through this message board.

Message Time: 2017-10-10 08:15



I am looking for a classmate study at Form 2 in 1984. which is a Taiwanese his name is 徐健, if you have any information, please kindly to contact with me.

From: Mark Chen

Message Time: 2017-09-29 14:56



This is Ma Ming Sung graduated in 1971, now live in US, you can contact me thru my Email.

Message Time: 2017-07-31 12:26

Webmaster: Mr. Ma, thank you for leaving us your information, keep in touch.

Message Time: 2017-08-1 09:49




Message Time:2017-07-28 12:27



Joe G. Young
I graduated in 1966 Form 5 @ completed Form 6 in 1967. Migrated to the U.S.A in 1969. Live in Temple City. Retired & very healthy. Listening to Classical music & reading both Chinese & English literature. Please write to me.

Message Time: 2017-07-28 02:15

Webmaster: Hi Joe, thank you for leaving us your information, pls keep in touch.

Message Time: 2017-07-28 07:58



我是Melody Wai, 我朋友是1979至1980下午D班的曽家強, 好想和他聯係,如有他的消息,請通知校友會回覆,謝謝。

Message Time:2017-07-23 11:55



我是劉秀芳,Anita Lau。有否1971一1975年校友, 請保持聯絡。

Message Time: 2017-04-30 18:09

版主: Anita,請妳給我們聯絡資料。

Message Time: 2017-05-02 09:49




多謝你親切的回覆,我們在今年五月中一行十多人到溫哥華會見中學時老師李小姐,她已經移民到加多年,屆時香港出發同學聯同在加拿大及美國的同學們慶祝Miss SYLVIA LEE 70歲大壽。




梁惠民 Raymond Leung  (Year of 1972)

Message Time: 2017-04-07 23:11:12



Dear Raymond, 本人製作格致書院校友會網站並上載資料及歌曲給大家分享,目的就是想維繫大家。即使母校不存在,但我們可利用這個網站作爲平台,好讓其他不同屆別的同學都能看到我們各校友的存在。Facebook 的不好處就是對話及資料往往被洗版或其他未被加入的同學都不能翻看以往的資料及對話。有些可能失去聯絡多時的校友會在此網站能找回昔日的同學們。希望你們多多推廣學校網站,發揚格致精神。

Dear Raymond, I develop Mansfield College Website and upload information and songs for sharing because I want to bring us together. Our school is no longer here, we can use this website as a platform for communication so that other alumni can see we're still here. The message and information cannot be read by other alumni because of trending or by those who are not added in the Facebook. However, some alumni who lost in contact may find us or their classmates in this website, so I hope you can refer this website to others for spreading Spirit of Mansfield.

Message Time: 2017-04-10 09:50



School Song Karaoke copy: Hello, We are 1972 graduation old boys and girls. We are going to make a DVD on our gathering of those last few years. May I have your permission to copy the karaoke version of School Song. Thank you very much. Raymond Leung
Message Time: 2017-04-06 12:40

Webmaster: You are welcome to share our college song to other schoolmates.

Message Time: 2017-04-07 09:01



My Chinese name is 嚴焰華. 1969年離開學校. 大約於1967年到1970年担任地理学會幹事之一.

當時導師是Miss P. Lam. 每年都有舉辦地理考察. 例如東平洲更是每年一次. 我是组織及領隊.

Miss Lam 沿途講解. 後來導師移民, 我才退下.


英文老師Miss Szeto and Miss Pak

classical Chinese 老師忘記姓名, 他任職South China Morning Post Editor.


請给我联络人资料. 我大约五月後才能通联. 四月出遊.

Message Time: 2017-04-04 09:29


Message Time: 2017-04-05 08:40



My Name is YIM. We are a group of very first graduated students from Mansfield Collage in Hong Kong but most of us are living in U.S.A. Canada, New Zealand , Australia etc. How can we join and contact you directly ?
Message Time: 2017-03-10 06:18

Webmaster: Hi, Yim, you can send us the information of your group including their English Names, Chinese Names  Graduated Year and contact Tel Nos. through Email: and it is much better to send us your group photos (if possible) so that we can keep contact and upload your photos to our website to see whether some other students can know you.

Message Time: 2017-03-13 08:47



I graduated Form 5 in 1971, anyone remember Peter Lai, Andrew Kwan, Tang Po Ming, Lisa Leung?

Message Time: 2017-03-05 11:29

Webmaster: Please leave us your contact information.

Message Time: 2017-03-06 09:37




Message Time: 2017-02-01 09:55



我是Henry Chan 1982, 可不可以介紹一下歷届師生晚宴内老師的名字?

Message Time: 2017-01-12 19:52


Message Time: 2017-01-13 09:15



This is William To (杜福強), I was Form 5B of 1974. I live in London, Ohio, USA.
Message Time: 2017-01-09 21:48



Pete Lee I was in Form 5 during 1967 to 1968 time frame, and I left Hong Kong in 68, anyone in Form 5 during that time?

December 21, 2016 at 1:40 Quoted from facebook of Maman Su



Yingnam Fong 謝志峰都話自己係响格致書院讀個書。佢響佢本書【曾是香港蠱惑男】都有描述過佢讀書時嘅經歷。另外,我在小六時候認識嘅一唐姓嘅同學仔好耐見返得知佢在海關做緊監督,都幾好!講開又講,我真係唔知道間校舍幾時結束拆卸?

October 20, 2015 at 17:02 Quoted from facebook of Maman Su

版主: 謝志峰確實是我們的校友並參與我們2016/11/18的晚宴。學校已在1986年停辦。



Yingnam Fong 但因都係响格致書院讀過。我同伍家廉和馮吉隆當我一班。講伍家廉一起聚會過,接聽個佢一個電話話去港台做嘢之後就冇了聯絡。我跟馮吉隆一起爬艇仔,玩過吓,後在圖書館碰過佢搵中國古裝戲服書籍,之後,冇聯絡。關西蒙好鍾意唱歌,有一次上緊堂,唔知點解,老師搵佢出嚟唱歌,佢真係幾特別。其他女的不是我嘅一班,但係成日見到佢哋練舞,好好動! 格致書院,係私校,當時聽聞有啲中文老師係前國民黨嘅將軍,真離奇!响我果個年代,諾士佛臺係好寧靜嘅住宅區,向格致書院附近有好多白俄羅斯嘅難民出沒。隨後,我又見到威靈頓書院開張。仲有其他。不過,我都唔記得七十年代初,學費要收幾多錢?

October 20, 2015 at 16:43 Quoted from facebook of Maman Su



Kp Tsoi 今年有機會回港一行,曾專程到舊址一看,一切已變,學校舊址好似是變作餐廳酒樓,無復舊觀了。

February 15, 2015 at 05:04 Quoted from facebook of Maman Su



Kp Tsoi 哈,終於有人比我早,失敬了前輩,時間過得真快,我今年六十了,年紀大了特別喜歡回憶。

January 11, 2015 at 15:56 Quoted from facebook of Maman Su



Siu-leung Luk 哈哈!我是1968年中五畢業的,有冇人比我更早?抱歉,校内一切早已忘記了。

October 18, 2015 at 12:52 Quoted from facebook of Maman Su



Mo Pearl 我都喺1981年開始讀中一到中三上午斑, 但記得訓導主係陳sir喝?成曰鍾意鬥口捉我哋校服裙短唔短, 有冇人記得教西史型呂奇.惡到想食人. 記得有一次取起張椅頂去一個男同学到, 仲有教英文miss, 唔記得性咩, 化行裝. 長直髮, 但重捉我同学長指甲.

August 12, 2014 at 21:13 Quoted from facebook of Maman Su



Kp Tsoi 我是蔡景沛,大約1970至1973讀中二至中四,並無畢業,真失禮。後來去讀電子工程。其實在格記時的情景已全部没有記憶,不過看見格致的名字仍然很有親切感。我在荷蘭生活已超過三十年,前幾年回港已找不到此書院,有沒有人可以告訴我學校是何時拆掉的,有没有人存有些相片。

May 16, 2014 at 3:47 Quoted from facebook of Maman Su




Message Time: 2011-09-12 08:45 quoted from Uwants


我由 Form 1 讀到 Form 3, 中三評核試派咗去三育, 點知原來一山還有一山低, 班茂利完全唔識教書, 讀咗一年就回歸格記讀 Form 5。其實格記唔係出面傳得咁差, 起碼未試過劈友, 最多係隻揪、群揪, 耐不耐有差人上丁嚟咁大把, D 阿 Sir 同 Miss 都教得唔錯, 最難忘係 Form 5 嗰年我地班有個超級索女靚過中森明菜, 可惜當年自己莫薑, 見到佢個心跳到飛起, 最後就梗係衰到應啦。

Message Time: 2008-01-27 04:00 quoted from Uwants


Simon Leung hi, 我是1978年畢業的, 當年的訓導主任是老鄭Sir, 外表很惡很惡,但對我幾nice, 很多時對我都隻眼開隻眼閉的,很有緣,我在2000年,還跟他一起在一間公司做了同事,當然,我跟他相認,還成了朋友!
In fact, 格致是一個不錯又特別的學校,它有商科讀的, 而且我那時的老師,多是有教無類的好老師! 我相識的同學一點都不壞而且smart,我那幾年沒遇過飛仔同學click人入會,更沒有運氣能碰上傳聞上夜總會班的女同學, wei,若是真的,這是同學&格記的honor阿, 不靚怎會有人請返エ! 那時同學大多畢業出來社會上,都是各有所長的,我有兩位同學立刻考警察,2年後便CID了, 有做會計的,跟父親做生意的,移民的, 而且那時d同學們都幾Fashion幾in, 有d幾靚仔靚女,男的染法,女的電了"花拉科西"頭,我中三的一位女同學, 還戴著Cartier watch上堂 , 我一個死黨同學,他高度樣貌幾似發哥的,愛穿Barry 皮鞋返學,還訂造穿灰色西装返學....d女同學對他流哂口水!最記起,有印度同學.....女的英文勁,男的粗口叻! 最難忘是一個幾靚仔又自信的男同學, 他要溝那些靚女同學,一定手到拿來的, 但他真能的! 最好笑,他那時很like Rowena Cortes 露雲娜 , 他整天一本正經跟我說要做她男友,終於有一天他同我一起走去香港St. Paul 找她,您猜他能成功嗎!

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