版主心聲 Webmaster's Message
早於2016年之前,在網上尋找「格致書院」只會顯示上海市格致中學或廣州格致書院,甚至福州格致中學等,偏偏沒有我們香港的格致書院,當然連「維基百科」都沒有我們母校的資料。所以便親自著手建立我們香港格致書院的專屬網站,包括登記網站域名(www.mansfield-college.com)、搜集資料及相片等。到現在終於夢想實現,只要在網上利用搜尋器如Google, Yahoo and 百度尋找「格致書院」就能在前列顯示我校的網站,連「維基百科」及「百度百科」後來都有利用我們網站資料介紹格致書院。而且,之前從網上得悉很多校友都很懷念母校及希望找到昔日的同學,所以本會亦希望建立此網站平台,可讓校友們分享資訊之餘,更有機會與舊同學或校友相認重聚。我們亦會舉辦活動增加同學們之間的友誼。同學們只需提供你們真實的聯絡資料及畢業年份,我們會整理昨日後聯絡和活動之用。最後感謝各校友及人士提供寶貴相片及資料。
When searching "Mansfield College" on the search engine in 2016, only Mansfield College Oxford listed out but not our Hong Kong Mansfield College. Therefore, we decided to develop our own school website since then by registering domain name (www.mansfield-college.com), preparing information and photos. Right now, our dream finally comes true that searching "Mansfield College" by Search Engines like Google, Yahoo and Baidu can be displayed on the top list, even a Chinese Wikipedia and China "Baidu" also use our website's materials to describe our college. Moreover, We learnt from the web that many our alumni are missing our alma mater and looking for their alumni, therefore we decided to develop this website as a platform for our alumni to reunion and share information. We also hold different activities to enhance our relationship. All you have to do is provide your true contact data and year of graduation, we will contact you based on your information for activities in the future. At last but not lease, we thank those alumni and all of you giving your precious photos and information to support us.
About Us
Mansfield College Alumni Association (格致書院校友會) is an official & non-profitable Alumni Association consisting of many graduates from different years. We organize activities irregularly to keep the spirit of Mansfield College and maintain our Alumni forever.